We’ll Always Have Harry…Always

Lately now that the last Harry Potter film has come out and the books have all been written I’ve been wondering, what now? Hogwarts Radio, recently put it like this: Where does the fan base go from here? Apart from Pottermore there will be no more new Harry Potter material. Even Pottermore itself will only have new material for so long. I, Hogwarts Radio and perhaps others have been wondering what do we do now? We love HP, the books and movies, and music, but with very little new to look forward to, it is hard to tell where we go from here and what we do. Fortunately we do have Pottermore, which is important cause it’s something to look forward too. And it’s new things and info from the world of Harry Potter which is always amazing, even though the story itself is complete.

Another important thing to note is that, I said the story is complete and not that it’s ended, because though it’s completed it doesn’t have to be over…not really. Because in truth, like the title of this entry says, we’ll always have harry…always. We’ll always have these stories to cherish, read and watch. We’ll always have the memories of the first time we saw a harry potter movie, like the first time we saw the Philosophers or Sorcerer’s Stone. I’ll always remember Hagrid saying “yer a wizard harry.” And harry saying back, “I’m a what?” Or the first time I saw that ridiculous flying car(lol) or quidditch. Or the first time I picked up or read a Harry Potter book. Because stories like this live on in us forever. They don’t really die. They are too powerful to die. They can’t. Especially as we revisit them and help to keep them alive in us. We’ll always have and cherish these characters and revisit them and the humor,passion, romance, bravery and more, of them. We’ll always have these relationships to go back too. Most importantly besides the magic literally of this world and everything else I mentioned and more, we’ll always have the lesson’s we learned and were taught, through this world. Some of us if not all live these lessons and have been changed by them and these stories. They aren’t just about magic and everything else I mentioned, like good and conquering evil, they are about love. If this world has taught us anything it’s that love is the most powerful force in the world and that love and magic never die. So too will not these stories and everything they’ve meant and mean and have given us. And we get to share the magic with new fans especially our children and the cycle just continues. We can always carry harry with us even as we go on with our lives…In short and not to repeat myself, but it’s true. We’ll always have harry…always.

My thoughts on the latest Pottermore Insider blog

I am writing this blog today, REALLY frustrated! I’m really frustrated with Pottermore! So many people have been waiting for October 1st for Pottermore to finally open to the public,to everyone! Today we find out, that will not be the case! Pottermore won’t open registration to everyone till the END OF OCTOBER! So that people who have been waiting months to get on or sign up for Pottermore, only to have to wait almost another month just to REGISTER! And I say register because after that, they will then have to wait,just like beta testers did, for a welcome email, THEN giving them access to Pottermore. It’s bad enough that people have to wait until the end of October to register, but then they have to wait on a welcome email too?! That unfortunately is not the worst of it though! People may have to wait weeks or even MONTHS, to get their welcome email! That’s just…I have no words…It’s one thing to extend the beta period almost another month, even to have people register! That’s one thing! But to ask them to WAIT, for a welcome email like beta testers did is RIDICULOUS! It will no longer be a beta period, so why are they waiting?! What for?! My biggest issue and complaint is that this is a website not a club you have to join! But that is exactly how they are treating it,as though it’s an exclusive club we all have to join or be selected for, to be apart of it! This again, is a website! This is not how websites work! When they are opened to everyone, #1 that means everyone can join at that time! #2 It means that anyone can log on and have access to the site! There are no waiting periods unless something is wrong with the site like the beta testers have experienced!#3 If it’s a free site like this is supposed to be, you log on and then get on the site, no problems! It’d be one thing if we had to pay to get access to the site or if it was an exclusive club. Then I could see waiting to gain access and waiting for confirmation. But for a free, non-exclusive website like Pottermore is supposed to be, that is not supposed to be how it is! How can they ask people to wait months when they’ve already BEEN waiting months ALREADY,for October to come so they could supposedly gain AUTOMATIC access to Pottermore?! Not only am I frustrated,I’m confused and don’t understand! How could a MAJOR website be run this way?!(Also the servers they set up have barely been able to handle half a million people or less that have already gained access to Pottermore! No wonder they have to stagger entrance once it does open to the public.) What’s really frustrating is that they are treating this again like an exclusive club that they think everyone will automatically, always want to join and be apart of. I have news for Pottermore. If they keep running things this way, I don’t know that people will continue to be interested. The website’s good and has great potential, but there are enough problems and issues and with most of the world having to now wait months before joining, again I don’t know if people will lose interest. I don’t know if the site is good enough or will be good enough to keep people waiting for months to join,especially if they don’t know what they are waiting for. It’s not like they get to try the site out like betas before the official version goes up. Who’s going to be willing to wait months for something that they don’t what it is they’re waiting for? The people behind Pottermore are counting on a lot in order for people to even still be interested months from now. Or they are asking a lot too, like for people not to get frustrated and give up on it altogether. How much can you ask of people? I did talk to one person who thought that people would be willing to wait since they waited this long already but I don’t know…I just had to break the news to someone that now they will have to wait till the end of October to gain access to Pottermore. I feel heart broken for them cause they were so excited for it. Now they have to wait even longer…I know life can be unfair sometimes and this is a small thing in the grand scheme of things, but this stinks and is really unfair! Some people don’t have a lot going right for them, right now, and entertainment is a great relief…so to have this turn out like this especially at this point and time, is not right and not fair. It just underscores how unprepared the people behind Pottermore were for the launch of Pottermore. It’s like they think we’re stupid. That we can’t see how they’ve mis-managed this and how unprepared they were and are.

Well I was gonna write more but this is already so long already…so I’ll just say how disappointed and sad I am by this turn of events and in the people behind Pottermore and the way they’ve handled things. And their communication with us has not been great either. It has not been frequent nor frank and honest either. I hope going forward it and the way they’ve handled things and the way they do things, will change.